KLEMEN: We breathe in oxygen and once it passes through our bodies.
We exhale poison.
All the…
human evolution.
All it’s really been is
drawn out suicide.
In a not so distant future, plants refuse to grow, and life as we know it ceases to exist. A forsaken survivor miraculously resists death, roaming past the decaying corpses and vestiges of our bygone world. Sustained by the memory of his lost lover he embarks on a mission to plant three seeds – which he is convinced have the power to restart life on this planet. His journey is further challenged by a tense encounter with another lonely survivor, who will test his resolve and his sanity, each increasingly fragile amid the backdrop of human extinction. (Directed by Yuri Alves) | BROKEN CLOUDS Film
Human evolution… just one long, drawn out suicide?
WINNER: Avanca Film Festival (2011) – Best Short Film
WINNER: WILDsound Toronto Film Festival (2011) – Best Film
WINNER: ECU European Independent Film Festival (2011) – Best Non-European Dramatic Short
WINNER: New Jersey Film Festival (2011) – Best Experimental Film
Directed by Yuri Alves
Produced by: Igor Alves, Yuri Alves
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